ayurveda Pulse diagnosis nadi pariksha

Nadi Pariksha is the ancient ayurvedic technique of diagnosis through the pulse. It can accurately diagnose physical, mental and emotional imbalances as well as diseases. It is a non- invasive science that enables us to reach the root cause of health issues and not just address the symptoms. 

In the Ayurvedic tradition, it is the most important of eight clinical examination methods, opening the doors of perception to a client’s physical and mental prakruti (constitution), vikruti (current imbalance), disease prognosis, organ energy and tissue health. 

In modern medicine, a physician records the pulse rate, but in Ayurveda, the expert looks for more details by way of observing, sensing, feeling, and touching not just the rhythm and rate of the pulse but also its consistency, quality of the flow, temperature, and movement. Pulse diagnosis works on the principle that indicators of a particular illness show up in your pulse much before anywhere else in the body. And so when a vaidya (Ayurvedic doctor) reads your pulse, they are able to let you know well in advance your existing state of health as well as conditions you are likely to see manifest in the future.  

The pulse, when examined, reveals both physical & mental characteristics of the patient. This is interpreted in the form of symptoms along with their prognosis, which helps in understanding the cause. Thus, Nadi Pariksha forms the basis for addressing any ailment in an individual. Additionally, it is also the scientific tool that enables an individual to secure their personalized wellness regimes that range from therapeutic massages, personalized diet, exercise programmes, rigorous detoxification and lifestyle transforming experiences.

AyurvedaBody typesImmunityKaphaPittaVatta

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