Shipping & Returns Policy


  • All orders within Canada shipping addresses will receive FREE ground shipping on orders of $99.99 and more.
  • Orders typically arrive to your delivery address within 3 to 4 business days from the day you place your order.


  • Your satisfaction is guaranteed on all products. If for any reason you wish to return any products ordered from our website, please return the product within 30 days and we will provide a full refund or credit for the purchase (less any shipping charges incurred)
  • If your refund request is accepted, we will process the refund within 10 working days from the date of order cancellation. The refund will be issued in the same form as the original payment.
  • If you wish to cancel an order, please do so within 24 hours of placing the order. In case you cancel your order before the product has shipped, you will receive a full refund.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please email us at, mentioning your Order ID. Our dedicated customer support team will ensure that your concerns are promptly addressed. When returning a product, please ensure that the original product tag and packaging are intact.


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